August 29, 2023

5 Important Soft Skills Freelancers Need to Have

Freelancing can be a competitive field, and it takes more than technical skills to succeed. Many freelancers struggle to find clients, retain them, or stand out from the competition.

The problem becomes even more pronounced when freelancers overlook the importance of soft skills, which are essential for delivering quality work, building relationships, and growing their business. Soft skills are often identified as the interpersonal qualities that make someone an effective worker.

Often, freelancers underestimate the value of these skills, which leads to negative outcomes such as low client satisfaction rates, project rejections, and poor financial stability.

However, by taking the time to cultivate the essential soft skills required in the freelancing industry, professionals can overcome these challenges and build a thriving career.

In this article, we will explore the soft skills that are most valuable for freelancers to have, discuss why they are important, and provide tips for improving them.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the key traits that are required to succeed as a freelancer and be able to take practical steps towards developing them.

Crucial Non-Technical Abilities Needed for Freelancing Success

Essential Soft Skills For Freelancing
Essential Soft Skills For Freelancing
Having the right soft skills is essential for freelancers because it sets them apart from the competition.

While every freelancer may have the necessary technical skills that a project requires, those with strong soft skills can excel further in their career.

Soft skills like communication, adaptability, problem-solving, and time management can help freelancers to build strong relationships with clients, deliver high-quality work on time, and manage their workload efficiently.

Freelancers with poor soft skills may struggle to manage client expectations, meet deadlines, or effectively communicate and collaborate with clients.

In this article, we will discuss the five essential soft skills that every freelancer should have. These skills are:

  1. Time management

  2. Freelancers need to balance their work and time effectively to complete projects on-time and meet client expectations.

  3. Communication skills

  4. Having strong communication skills is essential when working remotely with clients, as it increases collaboration, improves understanding, and builds trust.

  5. Adaptability

  6. Freelancers must be adaptable, especially when dealing with clients from different industries, countries, or time zones, and be willing to change their approach to accommodate their clients' needs.

  7. Problem-solving

  8. Successful freelancers must be able to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and implement them efficiently.

  9. Professionalism

  10. Freelancers have to represent themselves as professionals to their clients, maintain ethical standards, and possess excellent customer service skills.

By enhancing these soft skills, freelancers can not only improve their career prospects but also improve their earning potential.

Time Management

Time management is an essential skill for any freelancer. With no set office hours or someone watching over their schedule, freelancers must learn to manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and maintain their productivity.

Time management refers to the process of planning, organizing and prioritizing tasks and activities to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Here are some reasons why it is crucial for freelancers to develop excellent time management skills:

  1. Meeting deadlines

  2. As a freelancer, missed deadlines can cost clients, money, and cause damage to the freelancer's reputation.

    Good time management helps a freelancer plan their tasks effectively so that they can deliver quality work within the specified deadlines.

  3. Enhanced productivity

  4. Effective time management helps freelancers to prioritize their tasks and focus on the essential ones, which are likely to yield better results and increase productivity.

    An efficient use of time allows the freelancer to work smarter rather than harder, resulting in less burnout and more effective work.

  5. Improved work quality

  6. When a freelancer manages their time effectively, they can complete tasks with greater ease and focus on the details that improve the quality of their work.

  7. Positive client relationships

  8. Effective time management in freelancing contributes to building better relationships with clients. Ensure a better organization of projects, a more fluid and efficient communication, and the meeting deadlines increases clients satisfaction, reputation, and the likelihood of developing a long-term business relationship with them.

On the other hand, poor time management can create several negative effects on a freelancer's career. Here are some examples:

  1. Missed deadlines

  2. When a freelancer does not manage their time effectively, they may struggle to meet project deadlines, which can damage client trust and cost them repeat business.

  3. Burnout

  4. Poor time management can lead to working too many hours, leading to burnout and reduced productivity.

  5. Stress and anxiety

  6. When a freelancer is constantly trying to catch up on missed deadlines, it leads to stress in the form of anxiety, decrease in productivity, and negative effects on mental health.

To manage time effectively, here are some tips that freelancers can use:

  1. Create a schedule

  2. Establishing and maintaining a schedule can help freelancers stay focused and maintain their organization of tasks. They can use online tools like online calendars, spreadsheets, and organizational apps to help plan and manage their workdays.

  3. Prioritize tasks

  4. Freelancers should prioritize their tasks and focus on the most important ones first. One effective method is to use the Eisenhower Matrix, which prioritizes tasks into four categories.

  5. Take breaks

  6. Allowing the mind and body to rest can help improve focus, increase energy, and improve the quality of work.

  7. Eliminate distractions

  8. It's essential to eliminate all the distractions that may decrease productivity, distractions like social media, TV, or email notifications.

Time management is a crucial soft skill that every freelancer must develop to be successful.

Effective time management can help freelancers meet deadlines, enhance productivity, and quality of work. On the other hand, poor time management can lead to missed deadlines, burnout, and negative effects on mental health.

The implementation and development of effective time management techniques can help a freelancer manage their workload, improve their efficiency and increase satisfaction on work-life balance.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential in freelancing. It allows freelancers to clearly convey information, build relationships with clients, and ensure projects are completed accurately and on time.

Communication skills can be divided into three categories: verbal, written, and listening.

Verbal communication skills involve conveying messages through speech. It includes tone, pitch, and body language.

Effective verbal communication skills can help the freelancer build a rapport with clients, understand their needs and expectations, and resolve conflicts.

It is important to speak clearly, use appropriate language, and actively listen to the other person.

Written communication skills involve conveying messages through text, such as emails, reports, or proposals.

Good writing skills can help the freelancer clearly express their ideas, maintain a professional tone, and build credibility. It is important to be concise, organized, and use proper spelling and grammar.

Listening skills involve actively paying attention, processing information, and responding appropriately.

Effective listening skills can help the freelancer understand client’s needs, expectations, and feedback.

It is important to listen attentively, avoid interrupting, and ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding.

To improve communication skills, freelancers should practice active listening techniques such as paraphrasing or summarizing what the client has said, asking open-ended questions, and avoiding interrupting them.

They should also focus on using clear and concise language in their written communication, proofread their work to ensure clarity, and use proper tone and language.

Finally, it is important for freelancers to be empathetic and understanding towards the client while maintaining professionalism and being responsive to their needs.

In conclusion, strong communication skills are a vital component of being a successful freelancer.

Effective communication can help freelancers build strong relationships with clients, manage client expectations, and provide quality work.

By focusing on improving their verbal, written, and listening skills, freelancers can strengthen their professional profile and provide better value to their clients.

Adaptability in Freelancing

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new situations, challenges, and environments. In freelancing, adaptability is a vital soft skill that can help professionals navigate the ever-changing world of work.

Here are the reasons why adaptability is valuable in freelancing:

  1. Working in a Fast-Paced Environment

  2. Clients can have urgent projects and tight deadlines. Being able to adjust quickly to working in a fast-paced environment is crucial in delivering projects on time and avoiding delays.

  3. Dealing with Unexpected Changes

  4. In freelancing, projects can change direction, requirements can shift, and deadlines can move. The ability to adapt and pivot quickly can help freelancers stay on track and deliver high-quality work despite unexpected changes.

  5. Collaborating with Diverse Clients

  6. Freelancers work with clients from different backgrounds, cultures, and industries. Understanding these clients' needs and communicating effectively with them requires adaptability and flexibility.

Adaptability can improve a freelancer's profile and income in several ways:

  1. It enhances a freelancer's reputation as a professional who can handle any challenge and deliver quality work. This reputation can lead to repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews.

  2. It opens up new opportunities for freelancers to work on diverse projects and gain experience in different fields. This variety can help to boost a freelancer's portfolio and attract more clients.

  3. By adapting to different client needs, freelancers can build stronger relationships with clients and improve their satisfaction. This can increase the chances of retaining clients and getting more work.

Here are some examples of situations where adaptability is vital in freelancing:

  1. When a client changes the project requirements halfway through the project, the freelancer must be able to adjust and deliver the new requirements.

  2. When a freelancer is working with a team from different time zones, the freelancer must be adaptable in terms of scheduling and communication.

  3. When a freelancer is working on a technical project and faces a complex problem, adaptability can help the freelancer find creative solutions and avoid project delays.

In conclusion, adaptability is a valuable soft skill that freelancers must possess to succeed in the competitive world of work.

By adaptability, freelancers can improve their profile, income, and client relationships.

Freelancers who prioritize their adaptability will be more likely to thrive in the dynamic world of freelancing.


One of the most important soft skills freelancers need to possess is the ability to solve problems effectively. Problem-solving skills ensure that freelancers can handle any challenges that come their way and deliver quality work on time.

In freelancing, there are different types of problems that a freelancer may face, such as technical issues, project-related challenges, and client conflicts.

Technical problems can arise when working with software, hardware, or internet connectivity. Project-related challenges can include miscommunication, unclear project requirements, and unexpected delays.

Client conflicts can arise when freelancers and clients have different opinions or expectations about the project.

To solve problems effectively, freelancers need to use different techniques and strategies. Here are some useful tips for freelancers to enhance their problem-solving skills:

  1. Brainstorming

  2. This involves generating ideas and solutions to a problem without criticising or evaluating them. Brainstorming can help freelancers come up with creative solutions.

  3. Research

  4. Gathering information through research can help freelancers understand the problem and find possible solutions. Research can also help freelancers learn from past experiences and avoid making the same mistakes.

  5. Collaboration

  6. Collaborating with other freelancers or professionals can help to solve complex problems. When a freelancer is stuck, it can be helpful to get another opinion from someone who has a different perspective.

  7. Break down the problem

  8. When faced with a problem, freelancers need to break it down into manageable steps. By breaking the problem down, freelancers can focus on each step and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  9. Evaluate options

  10. After brainstorming and researching, freelancers must evaluate the various options. This involves analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each solution and choosing the best one.

In conclusion, problem-solving skills are essential in freelancing.

As a freelancer, you must learn to deal with different types of problems that can arise during a project.

By using effective problem-solving techniques such as brainstorming, research, collaboration, breaking down the problem, and evaluating options, you can effectively solve problems and ensure the success of your freelance career.


Professionalism is one of the most important soft skills that a freelancer must have. It refers to the way freelancers conduct themselves in their work and how they interact with clients.

A professional freelancer has a positive attitude, high standards of work, and a commitment to excellence.

Professionalism is crucial in freelancing because it can enhance the freelancer's credibility, reputation, and income.

Clients prefer to work with freelancers who are reliable, responsible, and competent.

A professional freelancer is more likely to get repeat business, positive feedback, and referrals from satisfied clients.

To maintain professionalism, freelancers should follow these tips:

  1. Meet deadlines

  2. Clients expect work to be delivered on time. A freelancer should set realistic deadlines and deliver work on or before the agreed-upon date.

    If unforeseen circumstances arise that may prevent timely completion, communicate with the client to inform them of the delay and propose a new timeline.

  3. Be responsive

  4. Respond to client emails, calls, and messages in a timely manner. Clients want to feel valued and appreciated, and prompt communication is one way to do this. Be available to answer questions and provide updates on the project's progress.

  5. Maintain ethical standards

  6. Freelancers should adhere to ethical principles such as confidentiality, honesty, and integrity. They should respect clients' privacy and protect confidential information.

    If conflicts or issues arise, they should be handled with transparency and fairness.

  7. Be accountable

  8. Take responsibility for mistakes and errors. If the client is dissatisfied with the work, be open to feedback and make the necessary improvements or revisions.

  9. Focus on quality

  10. Deliver high-quality work that meets the client's requirements and expectations. Take pride in the work and strive for excellence in every project.

Professionalism is an essential soft skill for freelancers. By maintaining high standards of work, meeting deadlines, being responsive, and adhering to ethical standards, freelancers can enhance their credibility, reputation, and income.

Freelancing can be a highly competitive field, and freelancers who demonstrate professionalism can stand out and succeed in their careers.

Essential Soft Skills For Freelancing

In conclusion, soft skills are critical for the success of freelancers. While having technical expertise is undoubtedly important, it is the soft skills that help freelancers stand out and secure long-term clients.

The importance of soft skills in freelancing cannot be overemphasized. Clients opt to work with professionals who have not only the technical know-how, but also the ability to communicate effectively, be adaptable, manage time, solve problems, and maintain professionalism.

Moreover, with the increase in remote work arrangements and geographical restrictions becoming less of a concern, the competition among freelancers is becoming more intense. As such, the ability to stand out and provide more value to clients is becoming more important. One of the most effective ways of doing this is by truly mastering soft skills.

For freelancers, the first step is to assess their current level of soft skills, identify areas that need improvement, and develop a plan to enhance them.

Seeking feedback from clients, mentors, or coworkers can be an excellent way of identifying areas for self-improvement. Once these areas have been identified, freelancers should then seek out resources and tools to help them improve in those areas.

Fortunately, there are many resources and tools available to help freelancers develop their soft skills.

From online courses and webinars to books and podcasts, freelancers have a wide range of options to choose from.

Moreover, many of these resources are inexpensive and accessible, allowing freelancers to invest in their personal and professional development without breaking the bank.

In summary, soft skills are essential for the success of freelancers. They help freelancers stand out in a competitive market and lead to long-term, repeat business.

Freelancers should assess their soft skills, identify areas for improvement, and seek out resources and tools to enhance them. By doing so, they can position themselves for long-term success in their careers.